Pure archaeological trip to quench your thirst for history

From 700 / person

Intensive 5 days tour to savour the history and archaeology of Italy. This tour aims to show how Roman empire developed at the beginning of its power. Visit Appia Road, famous road during the Republican period, the surrounding towns of Rome where the power was really born during the 7th century BC. Intermingled with history the tour provides culinary excellencies for our guests and the italian landscapes for memorable pictures

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  1. Arrival in Rome Fiumicino International Airport 📍

    Welcome to Italy!

    At the airport you will meet your Sweet Travel Italy assistant who will be leading your tour. Please share a warm ciao!

  2. Transfer to your 4* hotel in Castelli Romani

    This historical tour is mainly focused in the southern part of Rome and its castles. The definition of Castelli Romani refers to the building of several defensive castles during the 18th century by some local noble families. Castelli Romani nowadays is more a name for noise-free, delicious food, medieval architecture area of several villages located in the south of Rome. Of the many town belonging to Castelli Romani, Castel Gandolfo is the official summer residence for the Pope it is more then five hundred years

  3. Check in your 4* hotel in Castelli Romani 📍

    Our selection of hotels represent the italian touch that we want to share with our guests 

  4. Dinner

    Upon arrival, your Sweet Travel Italy assistant will make sure everyone is comfortable in their room. Depending on your arrival time we will arrange the dinner accordingly. Please refer to our Sweet Travel Italy assistant in case of food allergies or vegetarian/vegan options


  1. Breakfast

    We will serve italian and continental kind of breakfast with omelette, different kind of cold cuts and porridge

  2. Transfer to Ostia Antica

    It is important that today you wear comfortable shoes because many of the monuments are located along walking pathways and are only reachable by foot

  3. Visit of Ostia Antica 📍

    Together with a private english speaking guide, the itinerary foresees an entire day dedicated to the history of ancient Rome by visiting the excavations of Ostia Antica where you can see shops and warehouses along the decumanus maximus, the famous theatre, the Piazzale delle Corporazioni, the Thermopolium and the monumental Piazza del Capitolium which was the headquarters for civil life and administration of the old port of Rome

  4. Free time for lunch

    Please refer to your Sweet Travel Italy assistant for a place to snack something before the continuation of the the tour. There is a café area inside the park where you can have some snack before the continuation of the tour

  5. Transfer to Appia Antica Park

    After a good break it is time to continue the exploration of Rome surroundings by visiting the Appia Antica Archaeological Park

  6. Visit of Appia Antica Park 📍

    Romans have always been known for their excellent engineering skills. One of the reasons for the greatness of the roman empire must be pointed toward the roads construction. Appia Antica was a main road that connected the capital of the empire, Rome, with the southern regions of Italy like Apulia and Campania Felix. During the tour of the Appia Antica Park, the english speaking guide will talk about the hundreds anecdotes that occurred on this famous road. From the erection of Mausoleum of Scipio who conquered Carthago during the Punic Wars to the famous episode of St. Peter mentioned in the famous book Quo Vadis. It is a place that-must-be-visited to understand at full the real perception of life for the romans of more then 2000 years ago

  7. Transfer to the hotel

    Around this time your Sweet Travel Italy assistant will gather the group to hop on our minivan to go back to the hotel

  8. Dinner

    Dinner is served in the hotel restaurant for all the participants of the tour


  1. Breakfast

    Italian and continental breakfast is served with omelette, different kind of cold cuts and porridge

  2. Transfer to Lanuvio and visit 📍

    Lanuvio is one of the oldest towns in the 

    Castelli Romani

    area, a transit zone between the Appia road and the sea during the roman times. It was the reign of the goddess Iuno Sospita also called The Saviour. Walking the small roads in the village of Nemi, one of the most fascinating villages in the area, will lead to the discovery of secrets belonging to Diana, goddess of the haunters to whom the lake with its woods along the shores, was dedicated.

  3. Visit of the Nemi lake and lunch break 📍

    After the visit of Lanuvio, your Sweet Travel Italy assistant will lead the group to discover a local company that produces medicinal herbs for an immersive multi-sensory experience accompanied by a tasting of products with unexpected and delicious flavors. Bruschettas, cheese and much more will be offered to the group for free

  4. Visit of the Museum of Roman Ships

    The Museum preserves many roman artefacts and the remains of two ancient Roman ships retrieved in Lake Nemi between 1928 and 1932 and burnt during World War II. The story of the ships, related to emperor Caligula, is full of mystery as are the legend concerning gods, nymphs and animals which lived in the sacred bush of Diana along the banks of Lake Nemi. You will also discover the navigational skills of Romans through times. The building techniques, the naval carpentry, the equipments, all is shown and will be explained in full detail by the english speaking guide

  5. Transfer to the hotel

    Around this time our minivan will drive you back to the hotel for the dinner

  6. Dinner

    Dinner is served in the hotel restaurant for all the participants of the tour


  1. Breakfast


  2. Transfer to Albano town

    Today's program is dedicated to the discovery of Albano town that was the settlement of Second Parthican Legion (an army of roman empire). Together with your Sweet Travel Italy assistant you will discover this ancient town, its incredible past and visit the Roman Amphitheater built by the masons of the Legion in the first half of 3rd century AD for the Legion's entertainment

  3. Visit of Albano 📍

    After the Roman Amphitheater the group will visit the big Cistern designed by the Legion’s architect to supply water to the Castra Albana. The cistern is not only important for its size but also because it is still working today. Another important monument is the sanctuary of Santa Maria della Rotonda built on an ancient nymphaeum of the Villa of Domitian, and interesting architectural precedent of the Pantheon in Rome

  4. Lunch break in a typical Roman Fraschetta

    Discover one local Fraschetta for some italian dishes. The local Castelli Romani cuisine is renowned among italians whom very often travel to the Roman Castles to taste the typical roman cuisine. Fraschetta is a local restaurant set often in small places where everything is about food. Nothing is left to fancy things, the core of the place is to eat! A must-be-done experience for all our guests

  5. Visit of the Catacombs

    Catacomb: this strange word has a very important meaning for all the Christians. At the beginning of Christian times, during the first centuries of the roman empire,Christians were not allowed to display their religion publicly. Pagan religion was still the main religion of the Roman Empire. Christians used to gather in underground caves to celebrate Christ and the ritual of the mass. Catacombs are spread all over roman territory. Our group will explore the Catacomb of San Senatore. The fame of these catacombs is due to the presence of saints and martyrs as well as to the fact that they are the only catacombs in the Colli Albani area

  6. Free time for shopping

    At the end of the tour your Sweet Travel Italy assistant will lead the group in the busiest walking area of the town to spend some time shopping. Ask your Sweet Travel Italy assistant for best deals in the local artisans shops

  7. Transfer to the hotel

    Around this time your Sweet Travel Italy assistant will gather the group to head back to the hotel

  8. Dinner

    Dinner is served in the hotel restaurant for all the participants of the tour


  1. Breakfast


  2. Check out from 4* hotel

    We would like to know if you have enjoyed this hotel solution we proposed. Please share your feedback on our social channels or your impressions about the tour and share with us your experiences

  3. Transfer to Rome Fiumicino International Airport

    Your Sweet Travel Italy assistant will help you through the check in process and to get everything ready for the departure. After dropping off the luggage It is time to say goodbye.

    Buon viaggio

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